Morning Glories in 2000

*Following flowers are my morning glories in 2000.

"Dai" : Candlestick type
( Ipomoea nil :Japanese morning glory)

This plant has craped leaves and funny flowers like a candlestick.
"Dai" mean a stand in English.
Throat of flower is folded.
The flower is small and grayish color.

"Hige" : Feathered corolla type
( Ipomoea purpurea :Common morning glory )

This flower looks like double.
But new petals grow on outside of original petals.
Their stamens and pistil are normal.
So, this plant can produce seeds.
All flowers don't have feathered corolla and some flowers are normal .

Flying Saucers and Wedding Bells
( Ipomoea tricolor )

Left striped flower is Flying Saucer and right lilac colored one is Wedding Bells.
They are variations of Heavenly Blue.
Japanese summer is too hot for them and they can't produce seeds before November.

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